New exclusive agreement

We are happy to announce that Branded Retail Solutions (BRS) and Retail24 have made an exclusive agreement on sales of the patented Origami™ retail display technology in the Nordics.

– The Origami™ display is unique and suits the existing Retail24 product portfolio very well. The displays are shipped as pre-cut and pre-branded flat metal sheets, that can be quickly folded out by hand for immediate use, combining design, durability and reduced cost. “We are proud to have gained the trust be the exclusive supplier of The Origami™ displays in the Nordics”, says Anders Walther, Nordic POSM Director. “We are really looking forward to introducing these displays to our customers.”

– “Why did we choose Retail 24 as the supplier of the Origami™ display in the Nordics?
Well, one could put it this way: Retail24 meeting Branded Retail Solutions felt like Cinderella finding her glass slipper,” says Pia Knudsen in Branded Retail Solutions.

Retail24 are leaders in Merchandising, Sales and Activation. They were looking to strengthen their POS material offer to their customers and were looking for an innovative, modern, sustainable and cost-effective solution. Origami is exactly that.

-“Everybody feels the energy and excitement that follows, when you know you are onto something great and can bring your customer a good solution. When the business match is right, then the rest just flows. This is exactly what our cooperation feels like,” says Pia Knudsen.

About Origami
BRS was established 5 years ago along with the acquisition of the Origami patent which had previously been under license to Berkshire Hathaway entity.
Today BRS develop, design, manufacture and sell eco-friendly, flat-packed, re-themable and fast assembled metal display solutions for branded consumer products in about 26 markets via direct brand relationships and agency partnerships.

About Retail24
Retail24 is the largest retail supplier of merchandising, sales, activation and POS materials in the Nordic region. The company was established in 2002 and is a true retail specialist, proud to provide the best quality, flexibility, availability and cost-effective services in the industry.

About Branded Retail Solutions
Branded Retail Solutions (BRS) designs and delivers branded displays to enhance customer-buying experience. Founded in Denmark in 2014, BRS discovered the Origami™ displays in Athens, Greece, and immediately saw the potential and started using this patent under license. In 2017, BRS acquired the patent and are now the sole owner and manufacturer of the solution.

The company mission is to create eco-friendly, sustainable, flat-packed, re-themable and fast-assembled metal display solutions for branded consumer products.

For more information, please contact Anders Walther:

Flere saker

Retail24 kunngjør oppkjøpet av FF Nordic, en ledende leverandør av tekniske butikkinstallasjoner.
Endelig kan vi ønske Monica Øen og Henrik Thorud Jacobsen velkommen til Retail24.
Bransjen preges av høyt tempo og store endringer. Det er viktigere enn noen gang å ha ressurser tilgjengelig som er flinke til å forstå både leverandør– og kundesiden. Derfor er tiden inne for å utvide vår tjenesteportefølje og starter opp Key Account Services.

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