Q&A with Mariia Pogorelova

Business supporter

What’s your role in Retail24?
I am currently working as a business supporter.

What were you doing before Retail24?

Before Retail24 I worked in a marketing company and had similar position. I was a team member of finance department and was responsible for the back office.

What does a typical workday look like for you?
I usually start my workday at 7-7:30 am, review the status of the cases that I am currently working on and try to prioritize them depending on their urgency and importance. During the day, I keep in touch with our clients and employees, give them all necessary information, and make sure they are happy with the performance and the statistics.

What attracted you to work at Retail24?
Highly professional and creative management. Good communication skills and respectful work environment at all levels. In addition, I like the fact that you can choose your own working hours as long as your job is done and all the tasks are accomplished. Retail24 trusts its employees and provides a tremendous opportunity to strike a balance between work and personal life.

If the story of Retail24 was made into a film, who would play you?
Since I am always striving for the best, I would choose Cate Blanchett.

Do you have a motto for life?
“Russians do not give up” 🙂

If you could try another profession for a day, what would it be?
I would like to be a florist:-)

If you’re not working where can you usually be found?
I like going to cinemas and coffee shops with my friends, or to the gym and swimming pool. However, sometimes it’s just nice staying at home with a good book and a cup of tea.

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